Thursday, May 18th

6:40 am : Wake up 20 minutes before my alarm again. Does that mean I'm going to bed too early? Why can't I just sleep up until that damn alarm! 20 minutes is a lot...

7:20 am : It's frosted shredded wheat again. New box, less frosting. Who is monitoring the assembly line for the production of this cereal? I want an even coating of frosting on each square - is that too much to ask?!

8:00 am : Walk into work...Sam is back. And Sam has brought bagels again. This time from Noah's. I even spot onion and chive cream cheese, my favorite. Will I be able to resist this time? I'm not a fortune teller but I do foresee bagel consumption some time in my near future... damn it.

8:15 am : Fill up my water bottle with ice cold water. This cold/allergy thing from yesterday has lasted. Not feeling great. Let the water flush begin.

9:00 am : Day dreaming about my weekend trip to Palm Springs. We leave tomorrow. Couldn't come fast enough. Must make a packing list...I'm crazy like that.

9:30 am : Everyone is toastin' up their bagels. When will this torture stop.

12:30 pm : No surprise here... I caved and chose a sesame bagel *toasted* with chive cream cheese. I mean, it just doesn't get better than that does it. Score. Free lunch again. I also see individually wrapped chocolates on the kitchen counter. This sabotage is getting out of control.

1:30 pm : Going to Vons to get a case of water 
and some road snacks for our desert road trip. Cuz like... what is a road trip without some tasty treats! Swipe dat card, treat yo-self. Bought some Goldfish, Gushers, Lime Flavored Crystal Geyser Sparkling Water, Cheetos Cheese Puffs and Tate's White Chocolate and Macadamia Nut Cookies...all so, so necessary. Spent $18.15.

4:00 pm : Still contemplating if I should go to the gym tonight. It's my hardest back-to-back classes which I usually enjoy, but since I haven't been feeling well, I'm not sure if I should go. Bouncing up and down for an hour with a headache doesn't sound too appealing.

6:00 pm : Decided against the gym - my body hates me but is also thankful. Trying on my clothes that I got in the mail from Asos today. So far I'm digging my black overalls. This is definitely a "look."

7:00 pm : Time for dinner and because we are leaving for Palm Springs tomorrow, I don't want to spend any money on dinner tonight. Make scrambled eggs with cut up sausage and tater tots - a variation of last night's dinner. I swear it is so good and I suppose, carb-free. Finish up eating and then paint my nails so I look fly for the weekend.

8:00 pm: I know I shouldn't be having dessert after NOT going to the gym today but the Canelés from Trader Joes are calling my name from my freezer. 20 seconds in the microwave and I've got the most delicious dessert.

9:00 pm: I don't know why I have put off packing. Time to lug out the small suitcase and start packing for the weekend. We are leaving right after I get home from work so this must be done tonight. Using my packing list is super helpful - can't forget the rubbing alcohol for my newly-pierced second hole in my ears.

11:00 pm : Get into bed with my current book The Last Winter of Dani Lancing by P.D. Viner. Probably going to read 1 page before I fall asleep. Not even a murder mystery can keep my eyes open past 11:00 pm.

Total Spent Today: $18.15


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