Wednesday, May 17th

6:30 am : Woke up at 6:30 am this morning for no reason. Why oh why do I wake up before my alarm?! Super tired so I decided to lay in bed until my alarm went off at 7.

7:20 am : Breakfast time. Frosted shredded wheat from Trader Joe's with 1% milk. My go-to.

8:00 am : Made it to work on time. Feeling like a head cold or allergy attack is taking over my head. Not good. Decided to chug water all day to flush it out. 

10:00 am : Sam is in the office today and he brought bagels. I am going to try really hard to resist... although I am starving right now.

11:00 am : Booked our hotel for Palm Springs this weekend! I am so excited. Pool side. Hot desert heat. Yes, Please. Z treated - score.

12:00 pm : Gave in and had half a sesame seeded bagel with cream cheese. Half is better than a whole right? Free lunch - I'll take it.

1:00 pm : Needed more shredded wheat so headed to Trader Joe's during my lunch break. Picked up some 1% milk as well. Spent $4.86.

2:00 pm : Came back from lunch break starving. Had another half bagel - poppy seed this time - with cream cheese. Ok, I've officially had a full bagel now. 

4:00 pm : Going to Cardio Dance Fusion at Equinox so I need more fuel - and those bagel pieces aren't cutting it. Ate a vanilla bean greek yogurt that was in the office kitchen - free, score. 

5:30 pm : Home from work and have some time to kill before I go to the gym. Start planning my outfits for our Palm Springs trip. High waisted skirts are definitely getting packed. 

8:30 pm : Back from the gym and totally exhausted and hungry. Hate eating dinner so late, but what can you do when your dance class is scheduled at 7?! Made my go-to dinner...scrambled eggs with tater tots. I swear I'm not 5. Z is coming home late from work tonight. Time to turn on the Housewives or maybe Teen Mom.

Total Spent Today: $4.86


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